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How To Write a Review and win free massage
Before writing your review, please read and follow these guidelines:
Post Title:
Format the title as follows: Name of the girl – Name of the Establishment
Your review should include:
- Description of the girl, did she look like in photos, did she have any tattoos or piercings, what is her face like?
- A detailed review, including a description of the massage, how easy was communication of salon, how does the place look like
- At the end of your review, include the following details:
- Type of massage
- Duration of the massage
- Price of the massage
Ratings for Reviews:
- 😍 Amazing – Only use for truly outstanding massages and best experiences
- 👍 Good – Good, satisfying massages
- 😐 Meh – Average, nothing special
- 👎 Bad – Bad, a flop
Additional Requirements:
- Select Review Category – Erotic Massages or Girls for Sex
- Add at least one photo.
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