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Last-minute trip to Prague, so I chose Zlata and decided to try some self-indulgence.
Establishment: Booking via WhatsApp a day in advance was smooth, and they directed me to the branch on Vinohradská. It’s your typical Rabbitia setup—nice, clean, with an erotic vibe, a room with a shower, and three mirrors, including one on the ceiling.
Appearance: Zlata looks incredibly young; I’d believe she’s even younger than she is. Compared to most masseuses, she’s relatively tall (173cm), slender, with a model-like figure. She has a sexy backside and small breasts, which suit her perfectly. A few small, tasteful tattoos.
Personality: She’s from Ukraine but speaks Czech effortlessly. From the start, she was friendly, chatty, and attentive, guiding me everywhere by the hand. Most of the time, she was more on the cute side, but at the right moments, she was very sexy.
Shower: The shower wasn’t a full-on rodeo, but it was very intimate. She immediately pressed herself against me, and we embraced and explored each other’s bodies for quite a while.
Stomach Massage: Despite Zlata’s slender build, she applied a decent amount of pressure during the massage. She started with a full-body massage from my fingertips to my feet. Then came possibly the most intriguing B2B I’ve experienced so far. I didn’t expect it because of her small breasts and slim frame—I occasionally felt a rib—but she’s incredibly flexible, like a gymnast. She massaged me with her body in positions most masseuses wouldn’t even attempt. It was all very dynamic, not giving me a moment to catch my breath. If she does this with everyone, it’s a great workout for her. On my stomach, there wasn’t much GFE, nor did she pay attention to the friend down there. It was all about the massage, dynamic B2B in various positions, and a nice view in the mirror. She ended it with a literal command, “Turn over!”
Back Massage: The back part felt like it was with a completely different masseuse. She calmed down, and it wasn’t as fast-paced; it wasn’t really about the massage anymore. Instead, it was gentle, very intimate, and a big GFE experience. She lay on me, we embraced, and moments of closeness, nose to nose or cheek to cheek, alternated with times when she moved up a bit and let me kiss her nipples. I explored her entire body, including gentle touches down below, all welcomed with joy and no restrictions. Then came the self masturbation part, where she turned around, laid her head by my feet, and spread her legs in front of me. It was an incredible sight, watching a young model enjoy herself in front of me. It was tasteful; I had no trouble believing her. Towards the end, she got a bit more spirited, but there were no exaggerated moans, writhing, or acting. She stayed in this position and took care of me.
After the Massage: After the massage, she cuddled up to me, again very intimately, nose to nose, and we rested and caressed each other for a while. Then she took me by the hand again, and we went to the shower. We cuddled a bit more, washed up, and chatted. We went a few minutes over time.
Conclusion: A classic RH establishment, in-room shower, and lots of mirrors—nothing major to criticize. Zlata is a very young-looking girl with a model-like figure. Attentive, communicative, and cheerful. Intimate shower. The stomach part was professional and gymnastic B2B, while the back part was full of GFE and closeness. I definitely don’t regret the self-indulgence; it was a beautiful sight. I can highly recommend her and will certainly consider a repeat visit.
Massage: 60min Mix for 1800 CZK + 500 CZK for autoeroticism = 2300 CZK
Rating: Establishment: 8/10, Appearance: 9/10 (youthful face, sexy backside, and small breasts that suit her), Massage: 7/10 (a true gymnast, occasionally felt a rib), GFE: 8/10 (no wild rodeo like in porn, more like a tasteful experience with a lover), Overall: (great, good)
Rating Score
Good 👍