I had to wait for Sarlota return to Candy since I missed her during her first stint there. It’s interesting how some girls have recently returned to this salon. I think it says something, as you don’t see this happening in other places.

Back to Sarlota. She’s a knockout. On the street, she’s sure to turn many heads. She greets me at the bar with a smile. She wears glasses and has long hair, mostly dyed blonde. At first glance, she’s a “hot Latina” with a mischievous smile, promising a fun time. And when she took off her dress in the room… her naturally darker, sexy body and that perfect backside. Nature’s magic.

It’s a pity we didn’t have the mutual undressing I enjoy so much. I might start requesting it in advance. Sarlota needed to fix her long hair into a bun in front of the mirror, which took some time. Meanwhile, I’m awkwardly standing in a towel by the shower.

We start fooling around in the shower. First gently, then we simulate standing intercourse. My hands explore her entire body. Then comes the traditional question—how many times? Sarlota humorously asks: once, twice, three times, four times, five times? I wish I could manage five times. After clarifying that once is enough for me, we move to the mattress. The shower was long enough, fun, and erotic.

Sarlota begins her show on my back. And it’s quite a sight. It starts traditionally, but soon she adds some of her own moves. She uses her whole body for the massage, and at one point, even massages me with the inside of her thighs. It’s a shame we’re in such a large room where I can’t watch much in the mirror. Otherwise, Sarlota positions herself nicely, though there’s not much to hold onto.

Her routine is varied. She could slow down a bit and cuddle more. But as I find out after turning over, Sarlota isn’t the cuddly type. She makes up for it with her erotic program.

After a reasonable amount of time, I turn over, and Sarlota starts sliding over me from all directions. Sometimes I try to slow her down, to enjoy her luxurious body a bit more. Sarlota seems to be in her own world. That’s okay. When she kneels beside me and spreads oil over her body, I notice her perfect “booty” arch. At that moment, I’m a butt guy. But she’s got it going on up top too.

She shows me an interesting routine, with the most memorable being a front massage with her backside. Šarlota rides her two-rounded treasure over my friend, who occasionally peeks out to meet her friend, then disappears behind her again. She’s a daring lady. She also knows how to play with her feet. With Sarlota , it’s an erotic ride, though it comes at the expense of a more significant GFE.

But it’s not lacking in erotica at all. I have a weakness for these darker-skinned ladies. Sarlota occasionally gave me smiles, and it was all good. Finally, it’s time for the pussycat. Here, I probably didn’t impress her much with my skills. She sighed a bit and let me play with my tongue, but soon she firmly guided it to the goal. Thanks to the microscopic proximity of her undercarriage, there was absolutely no problem.

Sarlota then explained why that was. I came too early, and her shift was still long, so she saved the bigger rodeo for the next in line. At least I know when to visit her. Or maybe it was just a polite excuse not to offend me. I like it when the masseuse enjoys it with me too, and I don’t mind spending some time on it, but of course, that’s not always possible.

I completely forgot to mention that I couldn’t resist in the initial shower and started kissing her, which she didn’t mind, but I hadn’t told her in advance. During the massage, she gave me a few kisses and licked her lips a couple of times. In the end, I paid for kissing too, even though there wasn’t much of it.

Sarlota is definitely recommendable, but with her, it’s perhaps a bit less “romantic” than is usual at Candy (Sarlota is more about a dynamic ride), and I wouldn’t opt for kissing next time. Her colleagues are more “thorough” in that regard. But it might have been because she wasn’t expecting it. Sometimes I start like this during a massage when I really like the masseuse, and of course, if it’s in her repertoire, and sometimes even if it’s not, heh.

For some time now, I’ve been following the motto “better to regret something you did than something you didn’t,” but always within the bounds of decency and according to the atmosphere. Sarlota is, in my opinion, really sexy and laid-back. She’s probably more of a night owl than an early bird. Despite some minor reservations, a massage with Sarlota is certainly interesting and genuinely erotic.

Rating: Time was definitely kept.
Body-to-body massage 60 minutes for 2000 CZK + pussycat 500 CZK + kissing 500 CZK.