There’s already a lot written about Katka, so I don’t want to waste words on well-known information.

My impressions: Your experience will depend on her mood that day, your appearance/chemistry, and/or just general luck.

Physically: amazing breasts (though slightly saggy), small butt, beautiful skin, messed-up face. Katka looks like a Playboy porn model from the ’90s, but after enduring a long-lasting orgy.

My experience: Maybe due to limited English (I’m a foreigner), maybe because of my energy, or perhaps my average “size” or overall appearance (in my 30s, athletic 75 kg at 185 cm), but after the first quick round, Katka really wasn’t interested in trying for a second. With such energy, it’s no surprise that “Mr.” decided to take a break. On this day, it seemed I was just a number; maybe others will have more luck in the future.